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Happy Senior Couple reviewing Domestic Finances Together

Tips for Funding Senior Living Expenses

Preparing for any big life event is crucial to success and funding senior living is no exception. When planning how to make sure you are ready for a move to senior living, following these three steps can help to ensure…

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Nurse assisting senior woman using glucose meter at One Lincoln Park

Understanding the Cost of Long-Term Care

Deciding on the best living arrangement and care options can be both an emotional and financial challenge for older adults. The costs associated with long-term care vary widely depending on the type of care provided, where the individual resides, and…

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How Insurance Can Help Pay for Senior Living

There are many ways to pay for senior living, some obvious and some not. First, there are personal assets like savings and real estate, investments such as stocks and bonds, and retirement accounts that offer a steady stream of funds.…

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Senior african american couple sitting on sofa using laptop and talking

Funding Senior Care: Consider These Sources

Finding sources of funds for senior care can cause many sleepless nights for seniors but there are more options than one might think. Even seniors who don’t have deep financial resources can often find funding for senior care where they…

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Dayton: The Senior-Friendly Ohio Town

The Dayton-Kettering area is rich in history that reaches back thousands of years. From ancient civilizations to the modern culturally rich place it is today, the Dayton – Kettering area has earned a reputation for being a senior-friendly town because…

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